Physical limitWith this doubling reaching its physical limit, the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Princeton Plasma Phy
The digital device you are using to view this article is no doubt using the bit, which...
Microbes that safely break down antibiotics could prevent opportunistic infections and reduce the spread of antibiotic r
New Connection Discovered Between Two Weird Quantum Phenomena – Superposition and Entanglement

4 min read
A “beyond-quantum” equivalence principle for superposition and entanglement.Foundational Questions Institute (FQXi) fund
Cats and many other animals, including most dogs, can reflect light from their eyes. As a result,...
Risk of disruptionsThe risk of disruption applies to all doughnut-shaped facilities known as “tokamaks,” which are widel
Scientists at EMBL Barcelona have recapitulated in the laboratory for the first time how the cellular structures...